Updated every 60 seconds...

Real-time notes for real-life meetings, lectures and talks

Of course it works for
video meetings too (yawn)

Updated every 60 seconds...

Real-time notes for real-life meetings, lectures and talks

Of course it works for
video meetings too (yawn)

Updated every 60 seconds...

Real-time notes for real-life meetings, lectures and talks

Of course it works for
video meetings too (yawn)

Website example
Website example

Recap before the meeting wraps up.

Cut through the typical transcript nonsense and grab
ultra-clear Notes in real-time, sorted by topic, and bullet-pointed
  • "I get Notes from
    pre-shift meetings
    before the nightly
    restaurant rush."

  • "We take automatic
    Notes from meetings
    with contractors
    at the job site."

  • "I use it for sharable
    Notes at my
    university lectures
    - lets me focus."

  • "We capture and
    auto organize Notes
    before the drivers
    leave for the day."

  • "We capture and
    store our Notes to
    ensure we are in

  • "I run Notes on every
    call so I can search
    later and miss
    nothing in the daily."

  • "We capture and

    share Notes every

    time we train a new

    team member."

Manage and share after meeting ends

Post Meeting Topical Summary

A short summary can be generated which is classified by major Topics from the Notes, Sentiment and top Action Items.

Group Notes for a super summary 'Handover' that you can easily share

All the insight, none of the fluff. Perfect for a Shift Handover.

All Notes are organized in the Instant Search Knowledge Base

Use the Instant search function to find critical information for your business quickly when it matters the most.

Perfect For The 'Deskless' Workforce

Don't stay chained to your desk - we excel in the field or standing together with a group of colleagues! We've crafted MeetingNerd especially for frontline worker teams and their managers.

Real-time notes for meetings
and lectures in real-life

Your mediocre note-taking just got a serious upgrade!